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Sa'd Felicity
Sa'dan Happy, fortunate
Sa'id Happy, fortunate


Sa'im Fasting
Sa'ir Walking, going on foot
Sa'irah Walking
Sa'ood Fortunate, Happy
Saad A Companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
Saadat Blessing, Honour
Saafir Ambassador, handsome
Saahir Wakeful
Saaiq He who drives on the right path
Saal The year consisting of twelve months
Saaqib Star
Sabbir Patient
Sabeeh A narrator of Hadith
Sabil Path, way
Sabiq First, Former
Sabir Patient
Sabur Patient, perservent
Saburah A narrator of Hadith
Sadan Happy, Fortunate
Sadaqat Truth
Sadeed Relevant, Pertinent
Sadeem Haze, Mist
Sadik Truthful
Sadiq Truthful
Sadit Hard working and strong
Saeed Blissful, auspicious
Safdar One who breaks the enemy's rank
Safeenah Name of an Ahl As-Suffah
Safeer Emissary
Saffar An authority of Hadith
Safiy-Allah Allah's chosen one
Safiyy Chosen One
Saful Islam Sword of Islam
Safwan Rock
Sagheer Small, short
Sahab Cloud
Sahar Time before day break, bewitch
Saheim Warrior
Sahib Companion, friend
Sahil (সাহিল)Guide
Sahir Wakeful
Sahl Easy, Uncomplicated
Sahm Arrow, dart
Sahmir Entertaining companion
Saib Forsaken, abandoned
Saif Sword
Saifan Sword of Allah
Saiful Azman Sword of dream
Saji A scholar had this name
Sajid Prostrating
Sajjad One who does much prostrations
Sakhawat Generosity, liberality, open-handiness
Sakhr Rock
Sakhrah Rock(s)
Salaahddinn The righteousness of the faith
Salaam Peace
Salah Righteousness of the faith, goodness
Salahuddin The righteousness of the Faith.
Salam Peace
Salamah Soundness, integrity
Salamat Safety
Salar Leader
Saleel Warrior of understanding, Noble hearted, container of inner strength
Saleem Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere
Salif Previous, Former
Salih Safe, whole, flawless
Salik Passable, unobstructed
Salim Secure, free
Salman Safe
Salsaal Pure Water
Salsal Pure Water
Salt A narrator of Hadith
Sambhu Test
Sameed Brave, simple
Sameer Entertainer
Sameh Forgiver
Sami High, lofty, exalted
Samim Fragrance, Fragrant, Sincere, Genuine, Pure, True. Variant: no variations
Samir Entertaining companion
Samit Quiet
Samzad Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Sanaullah Worshiper of Allah
Sanawbar A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pine
Saqer Falcon
Saqib Shining Star
Sarab Mirage
Sareem (সারিম)Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Sarfaraz King
Sarfraz Person sitting at a high place
Sarim Lion, brave, big hearted
Sariyah Travels by night
Sarmad Eternity
Sarosh Angel
Sarwar Chief, leader, Joy, Delight
Saud Felicities, good fortune
Sawa Equal, same
Sawad Blackness, Skill
Sawlat Influence, commanding, personality, awe
Sawwaf Wool Stapler, Wool Dealer
Sayf Sword
Sayfiyy Concerning sword
Sayhan Flowing
Sayid Lord, Master
Sayyar Mobile, Constantly on the move
Seema Mien, Expression, Countenance
Seif Sword
Shaaf One who gives health
Shaariq Radiance
Shabaan Islamic Month
Shabab Youth
Shabah Resembling
Shaban Name of an Islamic month
Shabaz Beautiful, handsome, intelligent, protected by Allah, self confidence, respectful
Shabb Young
Shabbeer Appellation of Imam Husain (R.A)
Shabbir Pious, beautiful
Shabeeh Resembling
Shabib A scholar who wrote about Quran
Shad Happy
Shadab Fresh, evergreen
Shadad Please advise us the meaning of Shadad.
Shadan Happy
Shadeed Lover
Shadhin Independent
Shadi Singer
Shafaat Recommendation
Shafee Intercessor
Shafi Pure
Shafin He who cures
Shafiq Compassionate, tender
Shafiulla Compassionate of Allah or Purity of Allah
Shafqat Affection
Shah King
Shahab Meteor
Shahadat Witness, Evidence
Shahan King
Shaharyar King
Shahbaz Falcon
Shaheed Witness
Shaheem Intelligent
Shaheen Falcon
Shaheer Well-Known
Shahid Witness
Shahin Falcon
Shahnawaz Brave
Shahrukh Concerning, monarchy
Shahrul Moon
Shahzad King's son
Shahzaib Crown of a king, like a king
Shahzor Extreme Power
Shairyaar Friendship
Shajee Bold, Courageous
Shakeel Handsome, Comely
Shakil Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Shakir Thankful
Shallal Waterfalls
Shamas Sun
Shameel Complete
Shameem Fragrance
Shamel Comprehensive, complete
Shammyn Sun light
Shams Sun
Shams-Ul-Haq Appellation given to Indian and Pakistani Scholars
Shamshad Box-tree
Shamsheer The sword of honours
Shamsideen Sun of religion
Shan Dignity, Splendour
Shaqeeq Real brother
Sharaf Honour
Sharafat Nobility
Sharaheel A narrator of Hadith
Shareef The good
Shareek Associate
Sharif Honest, noble, distinguished
Sharifudin The noble religion
Shariful Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Shariq Radiant, Bright
Sharique Sunrise
Sharjeel Fine
Shaukat Grandeur
Shawaiz Speak melodious
Shayaan Intelligent
Shayan Praised
Shaybah Grey-haired, aged
Shazad Prince
Shazeb Decorated king
Shaziya Aromatic
Shehran The ancient king of Persia
Shehroze King of Roses
Shehryaar Sovereign
Shehyar Lucky one
Shehzaad Prince
Sheraz Loving, Caring, Daring
Sheryar King
Shibli Was a great Scholar and writer
Shifa Cure
Shihab Flame, blaze
Shiraz Sweet
Shoaib A Prophet's name
Shofiqul Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Shu'aa Beams, Rays
Shuayb A Prophets name
Shuja Brave, bold, Valour
Shuneal Traveller
Shurahbeel A narrator of Hadith
Shurayh A narrator of Hadith
Shuraym Split, Cleavage
Shuvo Goodness
Sifat Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Sifet Quality
Sijan Happy, fortunate
Sijol Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Sikandar Name of a famous Sovereign
Silah Arms
Simak Arcturus (Star)
Sinan Spear head
Siraj Lamp, light
Siwar Bracelet, Arm-ring
Sofian Sand storm
Sohaib Reddish or Sandy (Hair)
Sohail Gentle, ease; name of star
Sohel Moon Light
Soniya Golden, Lovely, Wisdom
Souffian Sand
Srabone Please advise us the meaning of this name.
Subhan Holy
Subhi Early morning
Suhaan Very good
Suhayb A companions name
Suhayl Canopus (Star)
Suheb Love
Sulaiman A Prophets Name
Sulayk Traveller, Walker
Sulayman Name of a Prophet
Sultaan Authority
Sultan Power, authority
Suman (সুমন)Flower
Sumayya Martyr of Islam
Surayj Name of an authority of Hadith
Surur Joy, happiness
Suwaybit Roof over path, alley between houses
Suwayd Black
Sydeek King
Syed Always in control