

it is a girl name ...


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Qadriyyah Strong
Qailah One who speaks
Qamayr She was a narrator of Hadith
Qameer Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith who quoted Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A)
Qaniah Contended
Qaraah Cloudlet
Qarasafahl She was a narrator of Hadith
Qareebah Near
Qasoomah She was a poetess
Qaylah Two women companions had this name
Qaymayriyah She was a student of Hadith
Qaysar A name of women
Qindeel Light
Qirat Beautiful Recitation
Qisaf Brittle
Qiyyama Stand for Allah
Quadriyyah Strong
Quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
Qudsiyah Holy
Quraybah Utricle
Qurrat-ul-ain Delights of an eye
Qurratul Ayn Delights of the eye, darling
Qutaylah She was a companion
Qutayyah She was a student of Hadith