it is a girl name ...
Name | Description | Edit |
A'idah Guest, the one who's returning | Guest, the one who's returning | |
A'ishah Wife of the Prophet (SAW) | Wife of the Prophet (SAW) | |
A'shadieeyah Princess, cute, perfect | Princess, cute, perfect | |
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Aa'idah Name of a narrator of hadith | Name of a narrator of hadith | |
Aabidah Worshipper | Worshipper | |
Aabirah Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral | Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral | |
Aabish Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN) | Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN) | |
Aadab Hope, need | Hope, need | |
Aadila Just, Honest, Equal, Upright | Just, Honest, Equal, Upright | |
Aaeedah Visiting, Returning, Reward | Visiting, Returning, Reward | |
Aaeesha Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | |
Aafia Good health | Good health | |
Aafiya Good Health | Good Health | |
Aafreeda Created, Produced | Created, Produced | |
Aafreen Brave, Acclaim | Brave, Acclaim | |
Aairah Noble, respectful | Noble, respectful | |
Aakifah Devoted, Dedicated | Devoted, Dedicated | |
Aala Bounties | Bounties | |
Aaleyah Exalted, Highest social standing | Exalted, Highest social standing | |
Aalia Exhalted, Noble | Exhalted, Noble | |
Aalimah Scholar, Authority | Scholar, Authority | |
Aaliyah Tall, Towering | Tall, Towering | |
Aamaal Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes | Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes | |
Aamanee Good wish | Good wish | |
Aamilah Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous | Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous | |
Aaminah Secured, Safe | Secured, Safe | |
Aamira Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited | Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited | |
Aamirah Inhabitant | Inhabitant | |
Aani Fatimah Khatoon She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah | Fatimah Khatoon She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah | |
Aanisah Young lady, Maiden | Young lady, Maiden | |
Aaqilah Intelligent | Intelligent | |
Aara Adoring | Adoring | |
Aarifah Knowing, Women who recognises Islam | Knowing, Women who recognises Islam | |
Aasia Hope | Hope | |
Aasimah Protector, defendant, central | Protector, defendant, central | |
Aatifa Affection, Sympathy | Affection, Sympathy | |
Aatikah Generous | Generous | |
Aatiqah Shoulder (support) old | Shoulder (support) old | |
Aatirah Fragrant | Fragrant | |
Aazeen Beauty | Beauty | |
Abasah Daughter of al-Mahdi | Daughter of al-Mahdi | |
Abda Worshipper | Worshipper | |
Abdia Slave of Allah | Slave of Allah | |
Abdul Basit Slave of the enlarger | Basit Slave of the enlarger | |
Abeedah Worshipper | Worshipper | |
Abeela To be beautiful | To be beautiful | |
Abeer Fragrance | Fragrance | |
Abeera The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal | The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal | |
Abeerah Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance | Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance | |
Abia Great | Great | |
Abida Worshipper | Worshipper | |
Abir Serious, beautiful | Serious, beautiful | |
Ablaa Perfectly formed | Perfectly formed | |
Ablah Perfectly formed | Perfectly formed | |
Abqurah Genius | Genius | |
Abra Example, Lesson | Example, Lesson | |
Ad'ifaah Smart, talented | Smart, talented | |
Ada Grace, Expression | Grace, Expression | |
Adab Hope, Need | Hope, Need | |
Adeeba Cultured, Polite | Cultured, Polite | |
Adeela Equal | Equal | |
Adeelah Just | Just | |
Adeena Pious, good luck | Pious, good luck | |
Adeeva Pleasant, Gentle | Pleasant, Gentle | |
Adila Justice | Justice | |
Adla Just, fair woman | Just, fair woman | |
Afaf Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure | Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure | |
Afeefa Chaste | Chaste | |
Afeerah Covered with soil or dust | Covered with soil or dust | |
Afia Away from all Problems | Away from all Problems | |
Afifa Neat lady | Neat lady | |
Afifah Chaste, modest | Chaste, modest | |
Afiyah 'Health', free from illness and grief | 'Health', free from illness and grief | |
Afizah A person who knows the recital of the qur'an | A person who knows the recital of the qur'an | |
Afra Dust-coloured | Dust-coloured | |
Afraa White | White | |
Afrah Happiness | Happiness | |
Afreen Friendly | Friendly | |
Afroza Light from fire | Light from fire | |
Afroze Enlightening | Enlightening | |
Afruza Brightened | Brightened | |
Afsa Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife | Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife | |
Afsana Story | Story | |
Afshan Adornment aids | Adornment aids | |
Afsheen Shine like a star | Shine like a star | |
Ahd Pledge, knowledge | Pledge, knowledge | |
Ahdia Unique, The One | Unique, The One | |
Ahlam Dreams | Dreams | |
Aida Visiting, returning | Visiting, returning | |
Aidah Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present | Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present | |
Aighar She was a religious, righteous woman | She was a religious, righteous woman | |
Aila Noble | Noble | |
Aimal Hope | Hope | |
Aimen Most Congratulated | Most Congratulated | |
Ain Eye, Thus 'Precious'; alsaba Treasure of the eye | Eye, Thus 'Precious'; alsaba Treasure of the eye | |
Aini Spring, Flower, Source, Choice | Spring, Flower, Source, Choice | |
Aisha Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | |
Aishah Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) | |
Aiya Miracle, verses in the Qur'an | Miracle, verses in the Qur'an | |
Aiyla Moonlight | Moonlight | |
Aiza Noble | Noble | |
Aizah The daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S) | The daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S) | |
Ajeebah A narrator of hadith | A narrator of hadith | |
Ajlal Beautiful, stubborn, young princess | Beautiful, stubborn, young princess | |
Ajradah Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (A.N) | Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (A.N) | |
Ajwa Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH) | Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH) | |
Akia Sister | Sister | |
Akifah Intent, busy | Intent, busy | |
Akilah Intelligent one who reasons | Intelligent one who reasons | |
Akleema Beautiful. One of the daughters of Adam (A.S) | Beautiful. One of the daughters of Adam (A.S) | |
Aksa (আকসা) Please advise us the meaning of this name! | Please advise us the meaning of this name! | |
Aksha Please advise us the meaning of this name. | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Al Batra'a A historical area in jordan | Batra'a A historical area in jordan | |
Al-Adur Al-Karimah A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762 | Al-Karimah A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762 | |
Alaia Virtuous | Virtuous | |
Alayna Princess (Iranian) | Princess (Iranian) | |
Aleemah Knowing, Knowledgeable | Knowing, Knowledgeable | |
Aleena Silk of heaven | Silk of heaven | |
Aleesa Joy | Joy | |
Aleeza Joy | Joy | |
Alesha Protected by god | Protected by god | |
Alia Beautiful | Beautiful | |
Aliah Exalted, noble, highest social standing | Exalted, noble, highest social standing | |
Alika Love | Love | |
Alima Wise | Wise | |
Alina Beautiful | Beautiful | |
Alishaba Beautiful sunshine | Beautiful sunshine | |
Alishba Pretty | Pretty | |
Aliyah Exalted, noble | Exalted, noble | |
Aliza The Daughter of Ali (RA) | The Daughter of Ali (RA) | |
Alleyah Leader | Leader | |
Alma Apple | Apple | |
Almaas A diamond | A diamond | |
Almas Diamond | Diamond | |
Alraaz Mystery | Mystery | |
Alvina Highest, Height | Highest, Height | |
Alzubra A star in the constellation Leo | A star in the constellation Leo | |
Amah Slave (Female); | Slave (Female); | |
Amal Hope, aspiration | Hope, aspiration | |
Amala Hopes, Aspirations | Hopes, Aspirations | |
Amalia Aspirations | Aspirations | |
Aman Peace | Peace | |
Amana Faithful, to believe | Faithful, to believe | |
Amani Wishes, aspirations | Wishes, aspirations | |
Amany A Wish | A Wish | |
Amara Eternal beauty, urgent news | Eternal beauty, urgent news | |
Amatullah Slave of Allah | Slave of Allah | |
Amaya Night Rain | Night Rain | |
Ambar Ambergris | Ambergris | |
Ambareen Good smell | Good smell | |
Amber Responsible | Responsible | |
Ambereen Fragarance, amber, sky | Fragarance, amber, sky | |
Ambreen Sky | Sky | |
Ameenah Trustworthy | Trustworthy | |
Ameera Noble lady, princess | Noble lady, princess | |
Ameerah Princess | Princess | |
Amel Hope | Hope | |
Amelia Trustworthy, beautiful | Trustworthy, beautiful | |
Amena Trustworthy, faithful, peaceful, honest | Trustworthy, faithful, peaceful, honest | |
Amilah Hopeful | Hopeful | |
Amima Close to heart, Someone who gives guidance, Prophet (saw)'s grand daughter | Close to heart, Someone who gives guidance, Prophet (saw)'s grand daughter | |
Amina Honest | Honest | |
Aminah Trustworthy, faithful | Trustworthy, faithful | |
Aminul Aminul represents seriousness, thought, intuition, intent and wisdom | Aminul represents seriousness, thought, intuition, intent and wisdom | |
Aminur Patient & meticulous person who enjoys working in a detailed, systematic way such as with mathematics, science, engineering or mechanics | Patient & meticulous person who enjoys working in a detailed, systematic way such as with mathematics, science, engineering or mechanics | |
Amira Princess | Princess | |
Amirah Royal lady, Princess | Royal lady, Princess | |
Ammara Shining star | Shining star | |
Ammarah An inhabitant | An inhabitant | |
Amna Peace | Peace | |
Amra Princess | Princess | |
Amrah Headgear | Headgear | |
Amreen Sky | Sky | |
Amtullah Female servant of Allah | Female servant of Allah | |
Ana Prestige, self respect | Prestige, self respect | |
Anah Patience, perseverence | Patience, perseverence | |
Anam Present | Present | |
Anan Clouds | Clouds | |
Anaum The blessing of Allah | The blessing of Allah | |
Anbar Perfume, ambergris | Perfume, ambergris | |
Andaleeb Nightingale | Nightingale | |
Andalib Nightingale | Nightingale | |
Andlib A bird, one who is always happy | A bird, one who is always happy | |
Aneeqa Beautiful | Beautiful | |
Aneesa Close, intimate, friendly | Close, intimate, friendly | |
Aneesah Generous, loyal | Generous, loyal | |
Aneezah She-Goat | She-Goat | |
Angbin Honey | Honey | |
Anida Obstinate | Obstinate | |
Anika Very unique | Very unique | |
Anila Beautiful | Beautiful | |
Anisa Friendly | Friendly | |
Anisah Close, intimate, friendly | Close, intimate, friendly | |
Anisha Deep thinker, sensitive, high | Deep thinker, sensitive, high | |
Aniya Concern, Loving | Concern, Loving | |
Anja Beauty | Beauty | |
Anjum Stars | Stars | |
Annam God's Blessing | God's Blessing | |
Anniyah Concern, loving | Concern, loving | |
Anousha Sweet, joy, fortunate | Sweet, joy, fortunate | |
Anum Blessing of god, gods gift | Blessing of god, gods gift | |
Anwara Ray of Light | Ray of Light | |
Anya Gracious | Gracious | |
Aqeela Intelligent | Intelligent | |
Aqeelah Wise, Sensible | Wise, Sensible | |
Aqsa Name of a mosque | Name of a mosque | |
Ara Opinions | Opinions | |
Arabia Please advise us the meaning of this name. | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Areebah Witty, Smart | Witty, Smart | |
Areej The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree | The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree | |
Aresha Under an umbrella | Under an umbrella | |
Arfa Greatness | Greatness | |
Ariana Full of life | Full of life | |
Aribah Wise | Wise | |
Arij Sweet Smell | Sweet Smell | |
Arisha Highness | Highness | |
Arissa Bright | Bright | |
Ariyana Close to God; Lovely | Close to God; Lovely | |
Arjumand Noble, Honourable | Noble, Honourable | |
Aroob Loving to her husband | Loving to her husband | |
Aroosa Bride | Bride | |
Aroush Angel of paradise | Angel of paradise | |
Arsala Lioness | Lioness | |
Arub Loving (to husband) | Loving (to husband) | |
Arva Fertile, bountiful | Fertile, bountiful | |
Arwa Mountain gazelle | Mountain gazelle | |
Arya Noble | Noble | |
Aryisha Under tree/umberalla | Under tree/umberalla | |
Arzo Hope | Hope | |
Arzoo Hope | Hope | |
Arzu Wish, hope, love | Wish, hope, love | |
Asalah Purity | Purity | |
Asbah Pure (as water) | Pure (as water) | |
Asfa Protector, guardian | Protector, guardian | |
Asfia Great | Great | |
Asfiya Pure | Pure | |
Ashalina Sweet, always living, shy, loving | Sweet, always living, shy, loving | |
Ashbah Pearl | Pearl | |
Asheeyana House, nest | House, nest | |
Ashika Love | Love | |
Ashiq (আশিক) Please advise us the meaning of this name. | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Asifa Organiser | Organiser | |
Asili Original | Original | |
Asima Protector | Protector | |
Asiya The Muslim wife of Pharaoh | The Muslim wife of Pharaoh | |
Asiyah She was the wife of the Farao in Moesa's time. She turned muslima and died a shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was her God | She was the wife of the Farao in Moesa's time. She turned muslima and died a shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was her God | |
Asli Pure, original | Pure, original | |
Asma Loftier, more eminent | Loftier, more eminent | |
Asmara Beautiful butterfly | Beautiful butterfly | |
Asmat Pure, Clean | Pure, Clean | |
Asna The one to be acknowledged or praised | The one to be acknowledged or praised | |
Asra River of Paradise | River of Paradise | |
Ateefa Affection, Sympathy | Affection, Sympathy | |
Ateeqah Old Ancient | Old Ancient | |
Ateeyah A gift | A gift | |
Athilah Deep-rooted, firmly established | Deep-rooted, firmly established | |
Athmah A narrator of Hadith | A narrator of Hadith | |
Atia Gift | Gift | |
Atifa Affectionate, sympathetic | Affectionate, sympathetic | |
Atika Flower, good smell | Flower, good smell | |
Atiqah Beautiful, charitable, loving | Beautiful, charitable, loving | |
Atiqur Please advise us the meaning of this name. | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Atiya Gift | Gift | |
Awa Beautiful angel, night | Beautiful angel, night | |
Awatif Emotions | Emotions | |
Aya Phrase from the holy Quran | Phrase from the holy Quran | |
Ayaana Lucky, good day, day of judgement | Lucky, good day, day of judgement | |
Ayaat Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran | Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran | |
Ayah A verse from Quran or a sign from God | A verse from Quran or a sign from God | |
Ayan Luck | Luck | |
Ayana Lucky, good day, day of judgement | Lucky, good day, day of judgement | |
Ayat Verses (pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs | Verses (pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs | |
Ayesha Well of | Well of | |
Aymen Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia | Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia | |
Ayra Respectable | Respectable | |
Aysha The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) | The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) | |
Ayshah Wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) | Wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) | |
Az-zahra Excellent and smart | Excellent and smart | |
Azadeh Princess | Princess | |
Azeemah Great | Great | |
Azeeza Esteemed, precious, cherished | Esteemed, precious, cherished | |
Azhaar Flowers | Flowers | |
Aziman Sky, heaven | Sky, heaven | |
Aziz Friendship | Friendship | |
Azizah Esteemed, precious, cherished | Esteemed, precious, cherished | |
Azka Pious | Pious | |
Azma Blessing of Allah | Blessing of Allah | |
Azmina Beautiful, shining | Beautiful, shining | |
Azra Maiden, Pious, Woman | Maiden, Pious, Woman | |
Azraa Unpierced pearl | Unpierced pearl | |
Azzah Young, female gazelle | Young, female gazelle |